Just because you are no longer a college student doesn't mean that you still can't be a significant part of Hillel at the University of Rhode Island. We are always here to stay connected with our parents and alumni to ensure that they are able to help contribute to providing a meaningful Jewish experience to current college students. Learn more about how you can be a part of Jewish life at URI no matter where you are!
ParentsYour student has a place to be Jewish at the University of Rhode Island…. it’s called Hillel.
Providing opportunities for students to continue their Jewish journey as they begin to make choices for themselves is especially important to parents. It’s important to us at Hillel too! That’s why we encourage strong friendships and a sense of community by providing programs and leadership opportunities for students to be able to continue their Jewish exploration on campus. Hillel welcomes all students. There are no membership fees and almost all of the activities we provide are free. Perhaps no one is more concerned about supporting Jewish life on campus today than the parents of current students. We invite you to support URI Hillel by joining the Parents Association. With your donation of $500, $360 or $180, your student will receive a selection of Hillel regalia, and more importantly, you will be contributing to the overall success of Jewish life at URI. Parent Mailing List Form |
AlumniURI Hillel is working hard to develop a larger alumni base to help support today's Jewish college students. On the isolated University of Rhode Island campus, Hillel provides college students with celebratory and significant Jewish experiences that would be unavailable without Hillel’s presence.
If you are giving to URI as an alum, you can designate all or a portion of your gift to URI Hillel and have it count as a contribution to Hillel as well as a donation to the University of Rhode Island. Click here for the “Rhody Now: Hillel” donation page. If you are planning to visit campus please be sure to stop by the Norman M. Fain Hillel Center to say hello. We would love to see you! Visit “University of Rhode Island Hillel” on Facebook and click “Like.” Learn more about overall URI Alumni activities. Alumni Mailing List Form |